Flying Away

I miss being a kid.
I miss being young and foolish.
I miss being naive and innocent.
I miss trying too hard to be a child.
I miss fitting in.
I miss being a child.

I long for the days where I had no stress.
I long for the time when I was joyous.
I long for the moments when I loved everyone.
I long for the memories of being youthful.

I'm brittle and tender.
I hurt easily.
I feel too much and hide them away.
I forget and stutter over words.
I'm awkward and unsure of myself.
I matured quickly,
Leaving everyone my age,
Beneath my expectations.

I flew past the barriers of which held my childness,
I swerved around the lines of which I should've stayed.
I grew up and past my peers.
I left everyone below me,
But I feel beneath them.

I never understood being young and naive.
I can't seem to understand my teenaged friends.
I don't understand being obsessed with boys and clothes.
I worry over my future,
My path of life,
I imagine failure and success,
While everyone else worries about relationships and nonsense.

I'll never experience what they are.
I stand, alone,
On a path that only I can follow.
I breathe in freedom and nonconformity,
Freshness of something new.

I hold hands with no one,
Walk forward,
Not sparing a glance behind me.
I grew up too fast,
Leaving those of my age,
Behind me to worry about being foolish.