The Fight for Life

It transpires that life is a fight,
One we never asked for nor did we start.
A couple or perhaps not a couple,
Tried or didn't try to create a life but here you are.

For air. For jobs. For money. For love.
And what for?
For happiness? In this life there can be no lasting happiness. Happiness comes only in death.

So "fuck it" I say.

Drink to your hearts content 'till you're professing love for someone you cannot tolerate whilst sober.
Make friends that after a few months you will never hear of again until their deaths.
Do drugs if it pleases you.
Buy a dog because it will be the only thing to ever love you unconditionally in this lifetime.
Fuck. Lots of people. Women, men. Old, young.
Fall in love a million times or fall in love once for everything is fleeting for there can be no happiness in life.

Only in death.