
As I handed her the test, she smiled
and I smiled back
but I didn't feel happy.
I felt hopeless.
I had given up,
and everything had given up on me
in return.
Was this college?
The trees had never seemed this green before.
compared to the storm rolling in,
they just seemed brighter.
Maybe they were the hope I needed.
Maybe they were the hope that
could push me to the next stage
and help me with this
that washed over me
like the thunder that boomed from the storm rushing in
at eighty miles an hour.
I didn't even have time to get to my car
before it was pouring
soaking me to the bone and giving me a chill
that not even the
south georgia heat could warm.
I sat in my car, makeup dripping down my face,
staring out the window as it seemed to never


Oh, how the weather fits
how I'm feeling
and how well I did
on my finals.