60 Seconds

So! You've been thinking about things a lot recently.
About School.
About People.
Hey, even that person you like a lot.
But it doesn't take long till your mind slowly drifts to that small whisper, growing louder, and LOUDER in the back of your mind
Speaking things that are the opposite of innocent.
The people around don't help seize it.
Instead....encouraging it..
Calling you names, snickering...
Telling you to kill yourself...

They speak of that to make themselves feel better.
SURE. It might effect you, rip you to shreds and make you cry.
Possibly make you think more about harming yourself because 'nobody cares until your buried six feet under in a cramped box!'
But there only words from narrow minds.

Its only 60 seconds of courage to forget what they say and stand up.
Telling them that

Perhaps you're good at singing, or drawing, or listening.
HELL maybe even juggling.
Oh but don't forget how you can make people laugh.
Use what you are good at to make the world a little better.
Paint your scars on a canvas for all eyes to see.
Tell that stranger their looking good.
And hey, you know that chocolate bar you were eyeing.
Go buy it.

Forget about the narrow minded for a minute.
No matter what,
People are going to think your odd because there isn't a lot of people willing to be themselves.
You're a rare one!

Push those negative thoughts out one ear and bring the positive in the other.

Trust me on this.
I know what its like to be so low on dragging a blade to your skin and wanting to swallow one to many pills.
But once you muster up that courage to say

That gorgeous smile will brighten
And the voices will go quiet.

It only takes 60 seconds
♠ ♠ ♠
Not the best compared to many many other peoples out there but the effect it gave off when I got to speak it in front of a crowd was great. Hopefully I can transfer the message here.
Remember, as cheesy as it is.
You don't have to go through anything alone.