
What is your color?
Think about it.
I don't mean your favorite color, by the way.
What is the color of your soul?

What is the color of your soul?
I don't mean what color do you think
Matches your personality.
If you could see your soul, what would it look like?

What would it look like?
I don't mean spots or stripes
I mean exactly what I've said
What would be the appearance of the existence of your soul?

What would be the appearance of the existence of your soul?
The color that burns in you
Or nothing
What would it look like?

What would it look like?
To you, to your friends
To a stranger like me
What is the color of your soul?

What is the color of your soul?
Perhaps you cannot know because it
Does not exist except for inside you
What is your color?
♠ ♠ ♠
Prompt: Write a poem in which every stanza either begins with a question or ends with a question.

It's kind of a weird circle thing don't look at me it made sense in my head.