He's My Brother

I'll protect you
He always said
It's been this way
Since Dad's been dead
He holds his word
Once maybe twice
When his friends come
Bubba's not so nice
I hit seven
Maybe eight
The towers have fallen
To a world of hate
He's going off
To fight for his home
I'll have reached twelve
In the time he is gone
Bubba's back
And I'm so glad
But he's changed so much
And it makes us sad
We don't know
The man he's become
But mama says its okay
He's still my brother, her son
He has a girlfriend
At first we're alright
They've lived with us a while,
But they've started to fight
The years have passed
He and her don't speak
She just brings him the girls
Once every few weeks
He isn't the same
I don't know this man
I've tried to love him
But I don't know if I can
I know he is my brother
I should be on his side
How can I though
When the brother I know has died?
♠ ♠ ♠
My brother isn't my brother anymore. I don't know what to do.