The Hijab-x

The Hijab-x

They think I'm so oppressed
What do they know?
They think I'm so upset
What do they know?

They also believe
My brother's a terrorist
But he stands against them
Fearless, growing his beard with pride.

They see my eyes
Think they're so corrupt with lies
But I'm taught to be honest
Can't they see that in my eyes?

Do they think this hijab
Is worn in shame?
No, I wear it with honour
'Coz I'm a Soldier of Allah.

I stand true for my religion
'Coz that is what I believe
Not fighting, wars, and murder
But peace, serenity, and joy.

Why can't they see
That I cover my head
In modesty?

Not 'coz I'm
Or 'coz I've been deject'd,
But 'coz I stand proud for Islam.

I'm out there on the front line
Fighting for what I believe in
Fighting for equality
And democracy.

And if I die,
Well, I die a Muslim.