When the Water Came

When the rain came

Rain water dripping down the halls.
Flooding. The carpet its slow death
It all lost in muck.
Who knew what to do?

The walls languished in their absolution
All else was pollution.
I cried, said the flood
Carpet drow-ow-ning!
Sob, nob, wilting door affixed to the situation through its knob.
A metallic gaze glistening gold.

Roof new nothing.
He had been burst.
Worst, lost and treacle.
The mud would come soon.

The Couple

Wife, wife. Get a life.
The rhythm of rain belagures.
Leave us alone, she moaned.
As the ceiling groaned.

She kissed his lips not to be remiss.
I ran. He runs from the rain.
All shame when it's wet!
In debt! Back from vet!
Vetting our hopes out to dry.


Drifting languidly towards...
I make myself. Slowing towards a gathering.
And surgeheat.
I stroll up the sky.
Into a source.
♠ ♠ ♠
I was experimenting with rhythm and narration