Little Sister

The wind picks up a leaf and sends it north,
Into the sheet of gray we call a sky;
The windshield wipers propel back and forth,
As clouds unleash their tears of sad good-byes;

Across the road lies memories dead and gone,
A tribute to the lost and breathless souls;
Hand in hand, approaching a life foregone,
We step on rocks that crunch like broken bones;

A whisper of sweet sorrows fills the air,
While placing pinkest flowers on her stone;
So empty until orchids rested there,
Some color for her slot while she's alone;

The heavens cry for a life that went too soon;
We still see her face upon that smiling moon.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am aware that this sonnet does not have perfect form but I was desperate to get this message across without it being "in-your face" or "cheesy" so I apologize.