
Winter nights
You’d climb next to me
Smelling of hot chocolate
And snow and magic
And your cold legs would tangle with mine

Sumer nights
Or midday naps
Your tank top on the floor
And your chest
Rising and falling
Like the sun

Every night
A pair of slightly
Chapped lips to mine
And a sleep
“I love you”
Tossed to me

Not tonight

I lay alone
And ache at the knowledge
That if I move my arm
My fingertips
Will not graze yours

I lay in the emptiness
Of my own breathing
And I realize how much of
Your breath filled my lungs

Because even after
Rainy nights
Stormy nights
Hard nights
Winter nights
Summer nights
Or midday naps
Full of “I love you”s
And promises of forever
You can still
End up