Dissolving Dreams

Revolve around me.... Please just hear....
Please just see... The death of thee is what I fear.

Tempted, evoking, wilting hearts stroking, gauze for your wounds, I bend as it blooms, but I dissolve in a bitter end, I dissolve as you descend.

I bend at your will, I require thy assents as breathe, I share your chill, your presence brings me life... And death.

I'm lost in time, searching an answer to why you haunt my dreams, the future taunts, but my hearts glow gleams.

Weather is strong, storms must brew, tornado inside me, but my love for you just grew.

I'M CONFLICTED!! God why can't you just decide?! My feelings restricted, because of my hurtful pride.

You're hear, ready to listen, but the tears just glisten as I faintly swallow, all the care for you, my pain I will wallow

IN.... Nothings left but such great theft is where I have been.... Images of you I cherish, such sweet lips, I wish to caress, But I fade.... You are sweet, but sour, as a two edged blade. In the reality, but also my sleep, hear my weep, as you dissolve into dust.... Can love grow old enough that it will rust?

I'm residing, please just revolve around me... Please just care, make this fair, resolve this plea..... Remember the time you cared about me.

I'm dizzy, blurred edges are my sight, my visions waters in streams, I'm fading in fright.... .....Because You are my dissolving dreams.