-Saturday School-

13 more minutes
until the lights die out
i'm ready to run
and get the fuck out
the clock keeps on ticking
slower and slower
i'm sick of doodling
on my eyeball flower

my friends watch from behind the glass
while i'm stuck cuz i was late to class
Mrs.Bitch and Mr.Ass like to punish us kids
who wear studs and eyeliner and spaz with our friends

no there's 7 minutes left,
all full of shit
3 hours of watching idiots
stare and sit.
we started as 19
but one got kicked out
and i'm still ready
to get the fuck out

random ..

roads cage the ground
power lines the sky
wood fences the plants
walls hold the people
staff lines the music
referee stripes the sports
note book lines the words
spiral stripes the pages
eyelashes block the pupil sight
bars rail the stairs
squares tile the floor, walls and ceiling
lines hold the bricks
tracks guide the trains
tendons cause the movement....