Where Do We Go From Here?

I go through life
Wishing I could hit rewind
Knowing my life was much better
When I knew you were mine
My life feels so empty
My days that much darker
Without you with me
All I can do is falter
We used to be so close
Back when we were together
So close we were inseparable
Like nothing else mattered

But life is unpredictable
Always ever changing
Nothing stays constant
It's always rearranging

Life threw me a curve ball
And over time we drifted away
I tried so hard to fight it
But we just couldn't stay
We tried to be friends
But that just wouldn't do
We finally lost contact
But I'll never forget about you
We both had to move on
Or maybe just you
Cause I never gave up on us
I just refused to

So look where we are now
It's suddenly all clear
I miss you like crazy
Now where do we go from here?
♠ ♠ ♠
I might add more to this later, tell me what you think :)