If I die....

If I have died, I hope you know why,
That I wasn't up to your perfection.
Why you wanted me skinny, I have no idea,
Probably to satisfy your onw kind of satisfaction.

If you find the note beside me, maybe you'll see,
Why I was forced from life to flee.
You have never noticed a single thing,
When I was in pain and nothing.

"You're ugly, you're fat, you're stupid," that's all I hear,
Which is why I died here.
I didn't want to live in a life,
Where I was stupid, where I was fat, where I was ugly and filled with strife.

Just so you know, as I hope you should,
I never wanted it to end this as I would.
But the insults carried on and on,
So I decided I should be gone.

The world mayd seem dark now,
But you have no clue how.
The darkest world there ever was,
Was one where love could never overcome.