Love, Happiness, Beauty

Longing to see true beauty
My eyes thirst
for a fountain of true happiness.
My mind is starved
from being fed such
Now shunning false materials
Uncertain facts.
Tired of hearing the same thing
Love is wonderful
You'll find you're happines, your joy
Beauty comes from "within"
Each is empty
each if a ploy.
So sick and tired
of the same
Life isn't all that.
It hurts and it pains.
Love is defined as indescribable
beauty is said to shine from within
and yet all we can realy see is what lies on our skin.
And happiness?
Is there realy happiness in this world we live in?
These are all things I can't begin to describe
muddling my mind
cutting ridges in my pride.
Fueled by gadgets
who can truly be happy
when all there is to thirst for is attention?
Who can truly love and be loved
when it can't be defined?
Is beauty realy a virtue within ourselves?
Because our outward appearence
is the only thing with witch we define ourselves.
No one sees a real world anymore.
We are all
by this blasphemy of society we call home.
We're losing such imprtant definitions
losing ourselves.
I'm not seeing this made up world everyone seems to live in
where love, happiness, and beauty
actually makes sense.
If there's a door, then show it to me.
If there is a window, thin bring me to it.
Why can't I witness such freedom?
Why wasn't I dealt these cards
Why is my heart being stabbed
with so many glas shards
to keep walking by myself.
I'm not seeing the fairytale world through filmed eyes anymore.
I'm just seeing everyone else.