Purge the Pain Away

Blood streaming
Sticking oozing
Down her back
Around her knees
Sits still
Doesn’t murmur
Doesn’t moan
Outside freezing
Didn’t want that stupid
Pink pancho
Pretty girls play with Barbie dolls
She splashed in a puddle
Shivered with delight
Looks up
There he is
He has a knife
Behind the bushes
Eyes squeezed tight
She cries softly
Clothes missing
Smell of cat shit
Filling her with dread
She squirms
He bites her arm
The boy with minty breath
“Stop crying.” He said
Nibbled up her body
Someone cat called
He was between her legs
In her
She didn’t murmur
Didn’t moan
Watching from the back
The farthest corner
Of my mind
Don’t want to do it
Have to
Need to
Can’t stop
Anny’s in control
Eating sweet after sweet
Sweet, sweet relief
Full, fuller, about to burst
Hobble up the stairs
How many times
Fingers down my throat?
Jab, jab, jab
Sounds like a blow job
Puke the pain away
Blood streaming
Coating fingers in liquid pain
Crimson is the color
Of Anny’s latest game
High, higher, buzzed
Simmering in the sorrow
In the guilt
Wasted food
Wasted blood
Wasted body
Wasted promises
Wasted soul
Wasted girl
Tasting death
So tantalizing
So deliciously close
Yet so far from
Broken fingers
But I purged the pain away