
we all have our own personal hell.
We all want to burst out of that glass made cell.
To just to be normal and be free.
Just to be you and not what people want you to be.

Walk with friends laughing out loud
Knowing you are not like me, you should be proud
I don't have friends nor have enemies
I am not like you to live a happy life, i will die in misery

Your perfect smile and perfect hair
Only wishing I had something similar so people could stare
But I am nothing just a shatter in a glass
Not to mention I have my collections of masks

I am not like you
Though I wanted to be
The pretty skin and the glowing eyes.
Only to realize my eyes have seen more than you and those petty lies.

You act so smart but you know you are not
Trying to satisfy your friends for making me into a fool
Just so they can tell you that you are so cool

But face the facts
You are just like me
At least I am not calling you a fag I am just saying you are bully

So here I am with nothing left to say.
I will take my pain and throw it away
You will never see me bleed nor you will see me cry
Cause in the end I am the one will survive