
i saw the skyline in your eyes,
and a new horizon broadened before me,
all things that once i thought to be impossible,
suddenly were very possible and doable and not so crazy,
and i liked that,
i liked that about you and about me,
and about us,
and i liked it so much i had to leave,
because i know what happens,
to be that transparent,
it means that i will be broken,
and so i had to leave,
and once more i saw the skyline in yours eyes,
and i watched as the thunder roared,
the lightning struck,
the storm bellowed,
and the rain fell down the hills of your countenance,
and i was sorry for it all,
but it was too late,
i just couldn't let you do it,
couldn't let you care about me,
because really,
for how long would you care?
how long before you cared for another boy?
so i had to leave,
and i had to know that your skyline,
and my broadened horizons,
would broaden some other boys one day,
and i'm not okay with that,
but i had to leave,