The Wonder Man

The Wonder man
Fine, we can call this man stan

The wonders I see with my eyes I'm not surprised.
The wonders that are about the behold here
Because I hold them so dear
Because I know they're from you
And I wish other people can see them too.

You don't keep the wonders for yourself
But you give your hours to someone else.
Like a Meger one of us.
That you trust

You will give them all your powers just to live with us.
You rather sit on Earth and watch people fly
After we die

You give people unimaginable power
I don't know why people feel so sour

When they hear your name
They put all the worlds problems on you, and say you you are to blame
They use your name in vain
But honestly to me, I think they are insane,
What's your name just rain
Over the skies and the earth that we see today

Little do the Foolish people know,

That you almighty powerful, humble yourself so low

So you can walk in our shoes one day
To hear people say
Your name

You've given your power to us

One of us
Has walk on water
He was a carper not a potter
( somebody who does pottery)

Your name could be oh so powerful

That is towerful over the rest
Because you are the best
Let my people on this earth tell the rest
Because I am not the best
But there is Power in numbers lesser than yours

But you work and all of our lives if you have been reached by those people not knowing you.

So this is a called action

To my friends who know who I'm talking about
To go speak his name
And make a impact - tion
♠ ♠ ♠
Let's get real, we know is name is not stan