
I’ve gotten into the habit of letting the keyboard take over,

Let the thoughts flow through my fingertips like water,

Spilling into pools on my computer screen

Or flowing like rivers onto pieces of scrubby loose-leaf paper,

Whichever apply.

At last I have endured a dry spell

And my hands pause thoughtfully,

Hovering over the letters that spell out


Because that’s how it feels, lately

My words are drowning in lakes of self-pity and finger-pointing

To the point that I have nothing else to say,

Or write, for that matter


Nothing I can type will change the fact 

That you don’t like to swim

At least, not in MY pool

You’re so far away 

That it makes my thought-waters freeze into veins of ice

The boat has sailed, elsewhere

I’m cold on the shoreline with nowhere to go.