
Why are these chains on me
Why won't they let me free
My captive silly game they play
To this day
I still don't know what to say

Nothing I say seems to loosen the grip
I give more money into the jar hoping hoping my arms don't rip

So what you're saying is if I choose this stay you'll let the chains be at bay
And you'll give me what my heart desires
And what my heart Admires
You will keep this world adorned with your gifts

So let me just get this right you want to keep me here right
And I have to live up in a tight
Seller with all my might say there is no God
And I can stay here forever
But this is not what I want to have too endeavor
I rather my arms be severed

Because you will have no hold on me if my place is not of this world.
You can do what you wish pain your time of torment
And use your all your tactics of Lore ment

You have these things called the seven deadly sins
But I just throw them in my recycle bins
I will not get caught up in your enticement

I will break the chains because I have someone else to be with you right now

How how you say I committed adultery, and that's bad even the Bible,
But I ask you did you really Mary me in the first place or just try to keep me chained up in your seller.

I am no longer a dweller and your place of worship I go up and beyond and drink from The righteous pond