Sunrise, Sunset

The morning sun beamed down upon the flossy plain lands of the South,
Their dusky yellowish golden glow, mixed with hints of peach and strawberry,
The sky was still grayish, on account of the clouds that still pervaded the area,
Their silverishness adding a metallic glow to the sun's light

The Ionian River gushed contently like a pleasant scrubbing of cloth against a washboard,
Its candied, glossy surface misty and casting shades of various sky and icy blues into the air,

The air smelled like fresh rain, mixed with succulent vanilla and sugar,
And the salty breeze from the sea on added to the smell,
Its tart, sensible taste creating an aroma of sweet and tangy perfume,
Like vanilla ice cream with salted peanuts and caramel in the same dish,

And the sun continued to creep slowly and lovingly across the horizon,
Its gentle touch, nudging the flowers from their slumber,
Its cool dirge, voiced through the songs of birds,
Calmly awoke the animals to the dawn of a new day,

And to the North, the mountains, those large, shadowy kings,
They too, arose from the slumber of giants,
What with their rumbling and groaning,
Shaking the trees and rocks and shrubs,
With their boisterous yawns,
And the clamoring of rocks colliding,
Spawned by their stretching and bending,
Their hearts, beating once every 400 hundred years,
And their toes, tickling the ground in excitement,

The trees were vibrant colors,
Each of great saturation and hue,
Big and small,
Fat and large,
Tiny and minute,
Golds and platinums of various heights,
Mixing with ruby reds and emerald greens and chartreuses,
Creamy tans and beiges, were set off against canary yellows and lavenders,
Candy blues, orangy-whites, purply-pinks, and cyanic-greens,
Magentas and roses, bronzes and adobes, pearls and ecrus,
Diamondy-whites and earthy-browns,
Cheesies, Berries, Wheaties, Veggies, Breadies, Pastries, Candies,

The list of colorful combinations never ends...

And the morning sun beam down upon the countryside,
This land, filled with life, with love, with color,
And all the world was at peace,
And the morning sun, rested with content in the sky,
And there was peace in the land...

The End.
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Inspired by the 1970's musical film, the Fiddler on the Roof.