
Following behind, on my heels.
Pure fear, petrified excitement.
I cannot escape.
No turn, No speed, No agility, No endurance
Can get me any further from this “thing”
What does “it” want? Is “it” lonely? Scared to be alone?
Seeking companionship, shall I speak?
Shall I yell? Express my fear? Express my curiosity?
Friend or Foe?
Who cares? I am alone and miserable either way.
Bring it on. My silent confidence, un-helpful.
◦180 turn.
Is “it” still here?
Wander, farther and farther.
Findings “its” way is not a challenge
“it” was created here
No feelings
Now or never
Gazing upon myself:
Scared, alone, broken, defeated.
That is past. Not now.
Why come back for this moment?
To torment?
The paralyzing fear filling me.
Why do I smile like that?
Wait… I am the past.
I have gone…
Gone with the future.
My past gone to haunt the present.
♠ ♠ ♠
To: Katty. Do not let it haunt you! You are strong gurl!