Ways of the Wicked

In this dark forest I call you mine
Mine and mine alone
In the ways of the wicked
You are most kind
Kinder than I'll ever be
I am the ocean that beckons you
I am the fire that hypnotizes you
I am the earth that grounds you
I am the wind that frees you
You are mine and mine alone

In this dark forest I am yours
Yours and yours alone
In the ways of the wicked
You are most cruel
Crueler than I'll ever be
You are the ocean that drowns me
You are the fire that burns me
You are the earth that buries me
You are the wind that chokes me
I am yours and yours alone

In this dark forrest you are mine and I am yours
In the ways of the wicked
We are most free
Freer than anyone will ever be
We are the ocean that surrounds us
We are the fire that consumes us
We are the earth that sustains us
We are the wind that carries us
We are each other's and each other's alone

In the ways of the wicked
Forever more
♠ ♠ ♠
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Thank you for reading!