Lost at Sea (Life as the Ocean)

I feel like I'm being pulled under;
The waves lapping at my chin.
It's been this way for a good while;
I don't even know where to begin.

The clouds make the sky dark.
I don't know how long I can keep down the bile.
The rocks claw and scratch,
Leaving on my legs many marks.

In the distance I can hear the thunder.
The rain is already pelting down.
The water is filling my mouth.
I'm fairly sure I'm about to drown.

The ocean starts to get more rough.
I begin sinking lower,
But nothing I do seems to be enough--
My lungs getting harder to open.

My inevitable fate gets closer and closer.
I don't have many options here.
I can make it slower,
Or I can just make myself disappear.

I can still choose to fight against the current,
And to cry out for help;
But I look toward the empty beach--
Not a soul is present.

The brown sand scoffs at me
While the swelling, white surf pushes and pulls.
My hope diminishing every second,
I give one last plea before that sea swallows me whole.

The ocean pulls me under;
No one is there to hear my scream.
The current is just too strong.
I pray that this is just a dream.

Unfortunately it's not;
And it is too late.
I'm the one the violent ocean caught,
But this was just my fate.