
I feel so betrayed.
What is it about me you want to evade?
Is it something I did or said?
Or am I just being misled?

I feel so left in the dust.
This is something that needs to be discussed.
Or am I just being blind to the facts
That you really are trying to help repair some of my cracks?
But in reality you don't know how;
And you're going just as far as you think I'll allow?

I know my life is complex,
But I don't want to become one of the world's rejects.
I also know that I am far from perfect.
I thought that you would at least make me feel like I'm worth it.
Now, don't get me wrong, you did;
But that feeling has long fallen off the grid.

Sometimes I go home to my room and cry.
Because at school I have to keep my eyes dry.
Dry so no one sees
How much I am truly at unease.