
Change is here.
Change is there.
Change is nearly everywhere.

Isn't it funny how much things change?
When you leave and come back,
You expect everything to be the same?

Surprise! Surprise! Much is different now!
Everything you once knew is lost in the crowd!

I hate to admit it,
but I've changed too;
And I also feel like
I have betrayed you.

I don't know if you feel the same way.
I kinda think you do
By how you acted the other day.

It almost shows me that it is true,
Or perhaps you replaced me
The same way I replaced you.

I still feel as though I owe you a few.
I've also started to notice her too.

I'm fairly sure I'm the one that started this mess.
It's hard to admit and to confess.

I don't know how you two feel.
It took someone else to show me
That what I was doing
That also was she.

Much has passed,
And much has changed.
I almost feel like I have to fake it
So I don't hurt you.

I saw how excited you were;
I couldn't steal that fire away.
My heart was torn in two;
That's the least I can say.

My feelings I can't reciprocate
Even though we've know each other
Since we were about eight.

I care for you.
I really do.
But this isn't good for me;
Neither is it good for you.

I'm sorry to say
That maybe we should go
Our own separate way.