Shattered, Broken, Cracked, and Fogged

Alone and Decieved,
Depressed and Heartless,
Angry, Hurt, Abused,
Where do you turn?

Tears fall like rain during a storm,
Hearts break like glass shot with a bullet,
Being screamed, whispered, or thought,
Where do you go when it all falls apart?

Look in the cracked glass
Of a mirror,
What do you see?

Pain, Hatred,
Love, Lust,
Sorrow, Betrayal,
What do you see when you look into
Your very own eyes?

What do you see when you look in the
Cracked and broken mirror?
It's the only thing that resembles your heart,
Broken and torn,
Cracked and burned.

Do you recognize yourself?
Or are you staring at someone else?
Someone you never thought you'd be?
Is the person you used to be in there?
Or are you left with a shell of yourself
And a stranger inhabiting your body?

The fire used to burn
In your clear eyes,
You saw it when you looked in the mirror,
Uncracked, Unscathed, Whole,
But it isn't there anymore,
Is it?

The fire has died,
Put out by Betrayal,

You don't scream anymore,
You're done with the pain,
The fight has worn you out,
You have nothing left to give,
Don't apologize for being sick and tired,
Sick and tired of the pain,
Just don't give up on life yet.

He's not worth it,
She's not worth it,
They're not worth it
When they make you cry.

The fight is over,
But who is the winner
When you walk away from the fight,
And decline the chance for getting
Your heart broken,
Shattered like glass
Once more?

Empty, Alone, Decieved,
Depressed, Heartless,
Angry, Hurt, Abused,
The screaming has died.

Pain, Hatred,
Love, Lust,
Sorrow, Betrayal,
What do you see when you look in the looking glass
At your cloudy eyes?