In Passing

In the middle of wars I kept singing to hoards
There is no use when lives never exist no more
Two mistakes and a light, insurrection is gone
There used to be a time when we fought for our worth

But I can’t keep my footing for longer than enough
And I can’t keep my breathing from coming to a stop
I can only keep sketching where our future will go
I can never prevent us from crashing and burn

There will be one more day in which love is relief
I keep telling my scars such a day will be dear
I can state that, so far, trust turns veins into grief
I keep waiting for flags to start flashing: “Believe!”

In a land of vast chests I was saving a spark
Kept amongst piles of pens with overdue black marks
In the distance, our faith blinks in form of two stars
And with rampaging strength, our conviction stays stark

Now the future plays past, overtaken by greed
Lies consume my insides, there is never release
There’s no longer safe land where I can land my knees
And the rush to defy rivulets onto fears
♠ ♠ ♠
And back to the short ones. I don't know how to feel about this one, it's not really good but it was there. Like everything else, really. Sorry for any mistakes, it was kind of rushed.