Hurt me for the last time.

My throat is closing up
im unable to speak
The cold wind numbs my face
A stinging pulsation runs through my body.
my heart's twisted, demented, and cold.

I cant hate you more than I do already.
Im no longer the one you will hurt,
Mentally disable.

Forget all the times i said,
"I love you"
They werent true.
"I hate you"
Everything about you.

Im decomposing in the snow.
Arm by arm,
Leg by leg,
Face rotting away.

I want you out of my mind.
Out of my head.
Why cant I forget?

Last night was all a lie.
Only a dream,
like all of my others.
And I always wake up to tears of anger.

My life is nothing.
Im not worth it.
Ill sell myself to the days bright lie.

Your lips tepid taste,
make me want to gag.
Your voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard.
With you,
my world is a thunderstorm,

All the scars will never go,
theres always a part of you with me.
Young naive me,
who could never learn,
that you always let me down.
Everyone else was right.
I should learn to listen,
but all I hear is you