My Dad

He brought me into this world and at times I want him out

Was he done for me except show me who not to be
You're drunk. Lonely and all you have is a phone

Oh wait you do have a car
But you don't come visit me
You have lame excuses where you should be

Like today you told me to go to play golf
When tomorrow you said you would see me around today
Didn't you know yesterday you play golf today

I like just a fleeting figment imaginary son of yours
I see how it is golf takes presidents over me

You hope for more of a connection with us
But let me just tell you when you were on the phone we just now it wasn't a disconnection

I'm tired of hearing your bullshit excuses
You don't know how your actions mentally abuses
Oh lets look to lines up
You are the person I herd it from in my life as a child
It was so common place
And it can't be erased

Not by money not by call me son
I don't know what can be done
You had a good run
Let's face it it was not
I was just looking for a rhyming word

You asked me to write you a poem, well here it is
When I write poetry I automatically go back the deep recesses of my mind where I have a motion that is the up.

So I'm guessing my dad is back there too

I'll let you On a fun fact
When I ever mentioned you I say my dad
My dad
Even to the people that are in my family like mom

I never really understood why did it
But I think I do now
It's to keep reminding me that you are my dad
But it's very hard just to say dad
Because I don't know if you fill that role for me
Sometimes I wonder if you are my dad
Not in the sense that I am an illegitimate child

But it's got to the point where I don't want any qualities you possess
Because you're just a mess
It's funny how I say I learned a lot from you
But it's what not to do
You drink you smoke
You hope everything is just a joke

I don't know when the last time I could take you seriously
The reason you are my dad and not just a dad
Is because the my before dad gives me space to recognize what I'm just about to say
It gives me time to realize who you really are

See when you use the word my and then something
It means you have possession of it
It's connecting you to the thing that you have connection to
I have to use a way to connect us
Dad and son

Because honestly I don't want to be connected to you
It's a connection I'm not Proud of
I can't just really call you dad
Because honestly I don't know if the connection even there

You brought me into this world so by book by law you are my dad

But you asked me to write a poem
as I said before when you tell me to write a poem, you make me open the door to my true feelings.

The world always says forgive and forget.
And I would like to think that I do that pretty well.
I am the sun it's still calls you.
I don't have to be called
I don't have to see you in person to remember who you are.
Some people just drop the connection call right away
But you are my dad, and everybody can change.
I hold on to the slim hope that you will be a new man

But the thing I like about cell phone calls
As I can check up on you to see if you have changed
And to see how you're doing
But if I noticed that you are still the same I can drop the connection between us and don't have to see you again.