
I reach up toward the sky,
I want my fingers to brush the stars,
But the air slips through my fingers,
For the stars are far too far.
Sometimes I think,
That's how it feels when someone tries to touch my numb broken heart.
It slips right through their fingers,
Because my heart is far too far.

It's miles away from my chest,
Wrapped up in a blanket,
Kept away so I can feel vacant,
My hurts too much too much you see.
Much like the stars,
I fall in love and it burns bright,
But eventually every star explodes,
But you can still see it in the sky for a while.
The flames that burst my heart,
Still linger and show.
I want to touch the stars,
Maybe then I could feel whole for a while.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this about a month ago. I've made the decision to start posting some of my work. Comments are welcome. You won't offend me