Like Missing Rain

I miss you

as I miss the rain.

The clean, unique smell

I always remember.

The soft caresses

on my skin

that make me want to melt

into the touch.

The cozy feeling

of wanting to lay

snuggled in bed.

The calming, gentle sound,

like music to my ears.

The inviting, comforting sight

that never ceases

to make me smile.

The familiar taste,

sweet and delicious

on my lips.

The deep love

that always has me

awed and breathless.

Its absence makes my heart

yearn for its return.

When the rain falls again,

I wish nothing more

than for it to stay.

So missing you

is like missing rain.

Not always here,

but always in my thoughts.
♠ ♠ ♠
I had this posted on another site along with a few other poems, and it was suggested to me that I break up the lines to help with the flow and to put emphasis on certain images. I've tried this here, so let me know what you think!