I Love You

"I Love You"

Tonight I give my love to you
Embroidered with countless moonbeams,
a love so pure and true,
sparkling with Heaven's starlings

With stars glittering the dark of night,
and the moon, a massive globe of light
I close my eyes as I hold your hand tight
And a promise strewn anew begins to take flight

And here, beneath the cold, dark night,
with its sky obscure and blue
I offered my whole life,
my only heart to you
♠ ♠ ♠
This is actually a revision of an original poem I once wrote... However, I lost the aforementioned poem so I picked up what little I remembered of it, and put it together with a few new touches here and there... It doesn't feel the same... But I suppose it'll do... It was the only way I could think of to preserve what was left of it.