If Only I Could Be With You

Oh how much I miss you
If only I could be with you
I do hope you are safe

I'm not there to tell you these things but...

I love you
I do hope you behave and do what Ran tells you
I hope they won't find you and throw you in here, too

Also, I do hope you'll be brave

If only, I could have joined you
But, with the impending danger, I was given no choice
It was either you, Ran, and Chen or me

I made my choice and I know you'll forgive me

I've taken care of you in infancy and this is the only thing I can give

I'm sorry I cannot be with you, Reimu
My sweet, oh how much I miss you
I didn't want to leave you and if only I could be with you

Someday, my sweet, we'll meet again

But, for now, if only I could be with you