
They probably want us to survive, but chances are we won’t.
They don’t have high expectations anyway.
Whenever they are, above me, all around me,
Outnumbering me before it’s dawn but right after dusk,
Their presence is constant. Steady.

But who could ever care for me, love me? Me, the epitome of guarded under a thousand brick-thick steel walls, clasped in a shiny wrapping with dust all over. With spiders on my knees, and scars on my corners.
The bow is missing, and I don’t even have an addressee yet.
I might never do.

It would be too much disappointment if I did end up with someone’s direction scribbled over my skin, because then they’d realize the box has been empty since it was packed.
And the hollowness would spread like the diseases that plague our earth.
♠ ♠ ♠
Something I wrote a little while ago. It's not even fully structured. It wasn't meant to be poetry, but I couldn't write confessions without getting angry so this is what came out.