Body Works

I believe my brain is a factory.
Wheels turning, gears cranking,
Workers running from
Working overtime when I'm feeling sad.

I believe my soul is golden.
Sparkling fairy dust
that resides in my ribcage
and circles my heart.

I believe my body is a car
and in the high school hallways
I have uncontrollable road rage.

I believe my ears are caves.
Riddled with crevasses
and dark spaces no one should explore
leading to a world unknown.
Many thoughts have ventured in,
but none have returned.

I believe my stomach is a balloon.
Overinflated and delicate.
and deep inside
I'm always afraid if I'm not careful
it'll pop.

I believe my furrowed brow is a shelf.
Protruding from my forehead like a caveman
supporting my worries, thoughts, and fears.

I believe every body is a mystery
and everybody is beautiful.