Are We Still Going to Be Enough

Me and the family,
No more hazy liquid that makes you act like a fool
He takes his last drink,
He has chosen,
Fifteen years the bottle stayed untouched,
Now we're at the graveyard,
He holds his bottle,
No one sees,
No one knows,
Late at night he bursts through the door,
Why the hell did you move the couch,
His screams fill the three bedroom house,
My hands shake and my heart breaks,
I whimper,
The couch hasn't moved,
He looks at me fire in his eyes,
He backs me into a corner,
His screaming engulfs me,
Keep your mouth shut,
A year later I find his phone,
I hand it to my mum,
She looks at it and starts to cry,
He wasn't with her last night,
One of my friends,
Still are clueless of this secret,
Her mom was the one with him that night,
This secret is hidden from everyone,
Except us,
It still gives me nightmares,
His voice echoes through the house,
The love of lust etched in memory,
It was her and the family,
What changed?,
Were we not enough,
Is he still not telling us,
Why cant we be enough,
Did you want a new family,
Or did you just want to see how it would be,
To have a different family,
He put the bottle down again,
How long until we aren't enough again?
♠ ♠ ♠
Affairs are bad.