Feel for You

The way I love you
No one can compare
I love you more than humans needs air
What I feel for you
Will never go away
I know this but I like it that way
You're cute funny Nice and sweet
Yes you can be difficult At times
But that's what Makes us unique
We get through everything without
A Dispute
We find common ground
And talk it through
Love is a strong word
That not many people feel
But I know that what I have for you
Our love is real
You say you love me more than
I will ever know
But I love you more than I will ever show
All I do know is that with you I want to grow old and be together till we're ghosts
I don't know what being in love truly is
But I'm hoping that what we have is close to it
I don't want to have a life without you in it
You're the most important thing in my life
And I want you to know it