
I sit silently,
quietly observing my enviornment.
Everyone is interacting with one another.
exchanging smiles, laughter.
I wish i could do that.
They all look so happy.
Why cant i be that happy?
I am isolated.
Their lies an unbreakable barrier,
between me, and everyone else.
No matter how hard I try to interact with anyone,
even something as simple as saying "hello" to another individual,
is impossible.
All thanks to the barrier surrounding me.
You think to yourself, "how did it get there?"
The answer
I did it.
I spent years building it, molding it and making it big enough to block out others.
Now, its out of control.
No matter how much I attempt to break it down,
its no use.
Its like I am fighting myself.
I am my own enemy.
♠ ♠ ♠
I want people like to me to read this and realize and understand that they are not alone and that their are more people out their like us than we may ever imagine, but it just takes a little courage and optimism to bring them out and help them overcome the same challenges we face.