When I Last Saw You

When I last saw you
When I last saw you you were happy and I had to go
And because you were so happy I truly did not know
That like me inside you were sadder than you ever showed
That like me you put on the greatest act the world has ever known
When I last saw you you were happy with family all around
We joke and laughed and rolled all over the ground
You made my life much better than it had been
I didnt know that I would never see you again
When I last saw you you were so happy with a marker in your hand
Drawing on my cast to make it look so grand
You made me feel like family when we talked and joked
I walked home every time feeling like I could float
When I last say you you were happy making me feel great
And when I left I didnt know the life that you would take
A life that was so precious to those that knew you well
you knew that if you needed me I always had my cell
when I last saw you you were happy at least thats what I thought
And when I left I didnt give your happiness any thought
I left thinking that life would be the same
not thinking that when someone died I would hear your name
when I last saw you you were happy that what I will remember
the time that we had spent happy altogether
when thinking of you now sometimes I cant stop feeling sad
because if I had stayed that day maybe things wouldnt have been so bad
maybe your life wouldnt have turned out to be a wreck
and maybe you wouldnt have put that rope around your neck
Maybe if we had spent a little more time together
That your last goodbye didnt have mean forever
When I last saw you you were happy and I had to go
And because you were so happy I truly did not know