Over You

Over you
I dreamt about you today
And trust me not in a good way
It was more like flashbacks to things you had done to me
things that I refused to let myself see
I dreamt about the times you hit me and I told my self it was okay
About the times you got mad and pushed me away
About the times I lied about it
About the times I cried about it
I told myself it was my fault
Because I gave myself a verbal assualt
I told myself you loved me
That you did it to stop me
From my words of poor self-worth
or the words about my girth
But then you did it just for show
For a girl that we both know
I wasnt even “with” you then
I told myself never again
But everytime I saw you
It was something you would always do
I even started missing it
Told myself I really loved it
I even thought that it was love
That this is what a boyfriend does
Now thats all done
Now those feeling are gone
I know now it wasnt my fault
That it was just physical assault
I know now it was just you
who chose to do this abuse
Now I know who you truly were
I even found everyones answer
to the question of why
I would be with such a guy
Your actions are no longer exempt
From my feeling of contempt
I didnt know what I was worth
but now I have found my words
Now all I feel is glad
because true love is what I have
Everyday Luć me
what love can really be