We were always (never) meant to be ~ PART TWO

Slowly you were always slipping away now
I tried to hold your hand every moment
I wanted to tie us together
I wanted to lock you away and keep you safe

I couldn’t sleep anymore
Though you assured me you were fine
I knew better than that
I sat up watching you through every long night

You came to me less and less
Hardly talking, becoming irate if I pushed you to speak
I had to seek you out
Sometimes you seemed annoyed when I found you

The mountain we’d built so strong
Was crumbling under our feet

I was confused, unsure of what had gone wrong
“It’s not you, it’s me” you’d say
But I didn’t know what could be bigger than our love for eachother
I though we would always be fine if we just had eachother
Remember when those troubles were mere pebbles beneath our feet?

But I finally began to see
After the night you pushed me away,
Refusing my tender kisses, meant to soothe your troubled frowns
Why wouldn’t you look at me?
Your voice was quiet, too quiet as you spoke
“I have to talk to you”

Those words tore me up worse than the ones that followed
Because I knew in an instant that we would never be the same again

Ice cold in the pit of my stomach
Burning hot in my mind
Sticky dry in my mouth
Sweaty nervous in my palms
Stilling to my heart

You didn’t have to say it
You didn’t have to cut me open by telling me the whole thing
But I wanted to hear the truth
So I sat silent and listened, each word slicing me deeper

It all fit together now

Before I hadn’t looked at him closely
He didn’t belong in our small world, was just another figure from outside of
Our safe haven, which neither of us liked to leave
Your love would never stray from me, so why would I bother to see him
This mortal from Their World
As a threat?
Or at all?
All I ever saw was you

You were thinking of him that time atop our mountain of happiness and love
When you first stumbled
Weren’t you?
The first time your breaths grew heavy with guilt
The first time you wouldn’t look at me as I told you how I loved you
When did your eyes turn to him?

“Nothing could keep us apart”
Except just another mortal your eyes have fallen to?
Because of his beauty?
Because he’s just something new?

Is wasn’t me
It was just you all along

And you chose him
He doesn’t even know you
Beneath those tousled locks and inviting eyes
I see what he wants
I see danger under those angel smiles
And poets songs

My love is unselfish
I only want to protect you
Even if you must go
Don’t, don’t, don’t go with him

It is not my burning jealously when I beg you
Not to be with him

I’m panicked on the inside, knowing he will use you
What will he be for you?
Will this Romeo Love wish on four-leaf clovers
Speak your thoughts with you in unison
Sing to soothe you through restless nights?

No, no, no
But you’re gone
You ask me not to call
Say if I love you
I will leave you
In the note I find

Now you cry because everything I said
My jealous-love warnings
Were all true
You were used

You know I always knew you best
You know I still love you
But I feel bitter now
As I see you still on his arm

Still not mine
But more so
You are
Still his

If you someday break away
And ask to have me back
Our world will still be in ruins, faded and disenchanted
Could I take you back?