
There hasn't been a day that's gone by with out the memory of you painfully strangling me back to reality. My nights are spent with my demons angrily fighting with me, cursing me and all the things I've done wrong towards you. That's how my nights are spent with me regretting all of the horrible things I've done to you. My mornings are spent with me reminiscing about you and all you meant to me. Every little interaction, from your smiles to the warm feeling I get from being around you. That's how my mornings are spent with me thinking about you in the dead silences of the morning light. Before I close my eyes every evening or in the afternoon when I can no longer hold my head high. Your ghost is standing above me softly talking me down to sleep an uneasy sleep that I am only to happy to take. Yet even as I toss and turn your voice is still in my head along side your beautiful image forever burned into my memory.