You May

You may have died in mom's womb
But you are still my twin brother
You may not have been brought into this world
But you are still alive in my heart
You may be in Heaven
But I know you are watching over me
Protecting me from harm.
Like that day, when I lost control on my bike
Where I couldn't move the handles as I was heading for a wall
The handles moved on its own
You saved me from a possible great injury,
You may not be known by a whole bunch of people
But you are known by mom, me and possibly our siblings.
You don't need bunch of people knowing about you for you to be special
You are special to me
And always will be,
Especially to me.
You may not be physically in my life
But you are emotionally
And mentally.
You may not have lived
But you my wonderful twin, will always live through me.
I hope you're proud of me David, my sweet, sweet twin.