
Basked in tragedy I am
The curtain rises but I hear no applause
Why am I left to face life alone?

Centre stage I stand
The gods to despise me
He who has been forgotten

I am a thespian
He who is given stories to reenact
But I'm living the saddest story ever told

The solitude
The feeling of being alone kills me
Yet I love it too

This aspect of death is choking me
The grip it has around my neck
I don't want to die alone

Were born alone and die alone
It's just the inevitable truth of life
That this feeling is what kills us

It feeds on us
It preys on the weak

The act ends and so does the play
Life to come to its proper demise
We as a species to go with it

I'm trying my best to hold on dearly
But there's no enough to hold on too
I've lost my footing, I've lost the ability to breath

So my eyes close softly
And darkness takes hold
My lungs they have no vitality

Life force a distant thought
And now we close the pages on this epic
And begin the next chapter

Basked in tragedy I am
The curtains fall and there's still no applause
Life is now a fleeting memory