The Last Two Years

I've lost all faith in humanity
I'm giving in to insanity
I've thrown away belief in god
cast away like an old fishing rod
but worst of all I lost myself
thrown away, the book on the shelf

I've given in, signed for college
to hope to learn some new knowledge
I hope to work, massage therapy
You never saw that side of me
I did it for them so they'd let me be
I couldn't make myself happy

My families worried, I might have cancer
to tell the truth, I dont want the answer
when I drive, i run from life
I only feel real, under a knife
I need you now, of this you'll know
before I ever, start to go

My life wont end of this I'm sure
my life is all one big blur
is there no one left that is real
or have I forgot how to feel
I have no friends.
I welcome ends.

Please come back to me one day
so I can quit feeling this way
Once again you'll make me happy
and my poems oh so sappy
I missed you then, I miss you now
and still I love you somehow