Forever Isn't Good Enough For You

I would have waited until I depart this life to finally be with you
I’ve tried to forget your hazel eyes, but there’s nothing I can do
I followed my heart and it brings me back to you every single time
I don’t want you to know that I love you because that would be a crime
You killed my spirits with they way that you ignore my simple plea
To look past all my flaws and see me for the way that I want to be
Why can’t you just realize that we were destined to be together
We’d ride off in the sunset and you hold me in your arms forever
I’ve now grasped the concept that this wish will never come true
And I’ll be trapped in this dreamland that always leads back to you
I know you’ll never love me and it will always be this way
My heart has been unraveling since we met that fateful day
I don’t think that I will ever get through this cruel unending chapter
So I’ll never reach the fairy tale ending and live happily ever after