I Have to Write a Poem

I suppose I have to get this done
Hey look, I just finished line one
Solid and strong, like a tree
I just used a simile

He was as tall as a house
Be as quiet as a mouse
I can do this, look at me
Those two were hyperbole

This really isn't very hard
I should alliterate this awesome art
Double A, double B
There you have a rhyme scheme

Two sound elements, I'm missing one
Repetition, repetition, repetition
Thank the lord I'm finally done
Now I can go and have some fun
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this in English last year because I really hated my English teacher. She always gave us a giant list of requirements when we were doing creative writing and never gave us room to be creative. So, I wrote this poem as a way of being rebellious while still meeting all her stupid requirements. She had to give me an A, because I included everything she wanted.