You Just Don't Know

you don't know what life is like.
until you've lived it without them.
you don't know what dis-organized is.
until you've experienced it.
you don't know what depression is.
until you've felt it first-hand.
I loved you with a burning passion. I'll love you ti'll the day I die.
every night.
I have my reminisce cry.
every day.
I'm learning how to breathe.
and begin again.
though somehow.
you always win.
I bet you're doing better.
I'd swear you're doing great.
without my knowledge.
you're completely sane.
and I'm on a rollercoaster ride.
I cannot get off.
I'm in the dark.
all alone, lost.
without you I feel no purpose.
for a life with no meaning.
my hearts a broken record.
and I'm an open wound.
it's relentless.
and tiresome.
to say the least.
although when I come alive.
I become the beast.
enraged with fury.
I hold hell in my hands.
fire spreads.
it's evil tendencies.
and leads me to a road.
of pure darkness.
I've yet to harp on this.
and I find myself.
a bit weary.
is it the chaos.
and drama.
I feed upon?
is it the misery.
that makes me choose wrong?
is happiness.
in my vocabulary at all?
I wonder yet again.
is this the hardest I'll fall?
love too much.
love not enough.
love equally.
or love not.
hate with everything you've got.
or just enough to get by.
hate with a passion.
or hate with a questionable why?
it's these two emotions.
that leaves me speechless.
every time.
I tried to get through to you.
I honestly tried.
my actions went un-noticed.
or at least that's what.
I have come to decide.
in every way.
I begged to love you so.
so why is it.
you had to go?
you left so abruptly.
at a slow pace.
and that very.
look upon your face.
as if you were to stay.
all would be well.
we'd both still be drowning.
in a pool.
of nothing but hell.
it saddens me to say.
a goodbye.
with forever.
following behind.
you don't know what life is like.
until it finally begins.
you don't know what organized is.
until you've lost it all.
you don't know what happiness is.
and why it has to end.